Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Meeting Minutes 3/27/13

Present: Leia, Ranya, Yona, Seika, Wanna and Sarah
Overview of GCI
To do: Meet-up with lady from GCI
Movie screening last night on Story of Stuff
Posters about Ecowing
Logo: Yona came up with idea: boot with plant (like Wall-e) don’t want to out eco-wing in case it changes
 t-shirts, to-go mugs? :D
use in presentation on housing meeting if possible 
Next week's events:
San Juan Capistrano Ecology Center field trip:
April 1st leave at 2:15 and arrive 2:45
Housing meeting Tues 4/2:
Show blog, maybe make video
Advertising on screens
Check with Michelle about having a senior floor, or in the mixed hall!!! plan to have it again in this hall?, keep for juniors and keep current members as mentors
--Meeting with Michelle possibly Friday @3
Earthship workshop: Fri 4/12 at 5pm to Sun 4/14 at 5pm
 paid with Wanna's card to be reimbursed
$200 left in ecowing funds, use 1/2 for grant ($100, so $25 each out of pocket)
56 cents mile reimbursement for car (Ranya drives)
Presentation day? Informal class? Pick date after
Presenting in at IF (earthship and ecowing) 
Next next Sunday (4/7) movie night: documentary or Erin Brockovich
Next film screening April 18 at 7pm: The Island President
SUA Today articl: due April 11: include pics, talk about grant, etc. 
SUA's website green living section: meet with Lisa Kawai during lunch next week 
In the future:
Eco wing skills exchange party
Earth day (April 22)? Talk to people, posters/flyers
Farmers market informal field trip: Sundays (8-12) at Sprouts
Eco-wing host with Bon Appétit kim chi making workshop
Don in ceramics: making pots for garden or balcony plants: small ones are a go :) and big ones maybe
Movie screening for May?
Labeling plants around campus

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