Monday, March 4, 2013

Meeting Minutes 2/24/13

To Work on/Think about for Next Meeting
1. Write SSU Grant for Earthship Workshop (due Friday)
2. “Living Green at Soka” on Soka Website à project for next year
3. EcoFloor for next year!! Mixed dorm?
4. Advertise for EcoWing on 2nf floor screens and freshman orientation

Ecowing Goals
1. Field trips/lectures 
(Already did Warren Brush Let Nature Be Your Guide & GMO Talk with Farmer)
-Ideas for future trips: Ecology Center, Earthship Workshop)
-What day is good for Wanna for Ecology Center?

2. Documentaries & Juicing & Ted Talks
            -Can be done in Pauling or MPR
            -Once a month
            -Invite others
            -“Urban Roots” is our 1st film on Sunday, March 3rd
            -“I Am” will be our 2nd film on Sunday, March 31st

3. Blogging (part of portal?) + Pearl Articles
            -Each of us will post one blog:
            -Ranya and Leia March, Sarah and Seika April, Yona all the time and May J

4. Individual Projects we’re interested in
 -Can be simple
-share at meetings

5.  Outreach
            - Skill Exchange Party& Snacks from the garden (in April)
            -Earth Day Event?

6. Meetings
-Check in with each other
-Space to share our “individual project”

7. Gardening on Sundays (must come at least one time)

8. EcoWing Logo

-Things got a little hectic this week, so we weren't able to have our Sunday meeting. But 4 of us did get together to watch a 30 minute documentary on fracking and a controversial Ted Talk. Interesting conversations ensued!
-The SSU grant was turned in, and now we just wait and see if we got it!
-Obviously, we finally have access to the blog. Hooray!

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