Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Green City Initiative

EcoWingers have been passionate about the Green City Initiative that the Aliso Viejo councilmembers will either pass or not pass at tonights city council meeting. I even started an internship this semester with the planning department in charge of the GCI because I was so excited about this project. However, this fine morning an article was published regarding the GCI with rather negative comments from one particular councilmember who referred to the initiative as a "radical environmental law". Below is my response to the article which can be found here:

To council members:
The Green City initiative is not a proposal by some tree-hugging hippies; the GCI is an initiative that is CRUCIAL to your and my wellbeing. Despite our ranging beliefs about climate change, recycling, and all that "green" stuff, there is one common thing we can ALL as human beings agree upon, no matter who we are and where we come from and that is for the health and happiness of our family and friends. T his is not an initiative for the environment; it is an initiative for us, for Munzing and his family, for you because in order to live healthy and happy lives we need an environment that is conducive to that. So lets all eliminate the labels we create of someone being "conservative" or "green" because in the end we are all humans just trying to survive. Lets embrace our diversity and different opinions, while finding a common ground and agreement where we can utilize our unique skills and passions to unify together to create a thriving community. The Green City Initiative should not be viewed lightly; this is the first step to contributing to a healthier planet that is human-centered. We simply cannot continue living like queens and kings; it is time to re-design, re-imagine, and re-program our habits of living, and the Green City Initiative is the first step towards that exciting new future. The GCI is something that will become a norm in every city; it will no longer have to be proposed in this manner but rather the practices in the GCI will be the automatic and intuitive thing to do. So lets get a head start and prevent  the further damaging our beautiful city of Aliso Viejo. If we start making changes now we are paving the way for a more effective, cleaner, smarter, safer, economically stronger and human-centered city that will create these ideal living conditions for you and your family. Think about it, do you feel safe leaving your child to play outside in the street like you use to when you were little? Thank you.

Above Picture: Senior Charlie Kerhin and EcoWing Member Sarah Randolph
speak at the city council meeting in support of the GCI.

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