Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dear Eco Wing,

Now that the semester has come to a close and my life is squished into cardboard boxes, I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the last set of adventures before embarking on a new one.

It's been a very, very full semester of planning, planting, and the best way possible, of course. I sprayed aphids until they filled my dreams. I filled my fridge with sauerkraut. I ate probably way too many beets. And I'm so glad that I did.

A student's life isn't easy, and it's not always fun. But I can honestly say that my memories with the Eco Wing girls has been some of the best from this year. Knowing that somebody--multiple somebodies!--on campus cared about my passions, even if they seemed a little weird or gross to others, was such a comfort. Having adventures and making food was a fantastic way to relieve stress. Most importantly, I am so happy that I've had the chance to be part of this community in a new way and really connect to these girls--my classmates, my neighbors, my friends. I think that our scheming and creating this semester has prepared me not only for my work with Environmental Department  next year but also for becoming the kind of person that I want to be for the rest of my life.

I'd like to express my hope that we keep updating each other and making records here of our ideas, realizations, projects and experiments. I'd like to wish next year's Eco Wings the best of luck. I hope you are inventive and silly, and I hope you make messes. I hope you come to us when you need us, and I hope you do things we never even thought of.

Cheers to a great year, and cheers to whatever comes next!

And send many tomatoes.


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